Wednesday 23 November 2011

Spotlight On... Official Arcane Fulcrums: The Magewrath Throne

Well in my exuberance to get some quick wins I’ve finished my official GW Arcane Fulcrums.
First up, the Magewrath Throne.


I painted this to match my other skull-related scenery and I’m very pleased with how it came out. One step closer to my complete Valley of the Skulls! 

I decided to do the throne completely in stone (largely to speed things up)

Now it looks very cool on top of the temple of skulls, especially because I pained it using the same Red Gore | Blood Red colour scheme.

I’m not a huge fan of Storm of Magic so far (as it drags on a bit) but I do like this scenery piece. Sometimes it’s nice just to have such a good piece as this.

Maybe I’ll go into my reservations about Storm of Magic another time…

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! That last picture looks amazing! I'd never seen that fulcrum on the temple of skulls!! Fits perfectly!
